Shifty's Club

About Me
Trading Card Game
Video Game
ShiftysClub on Twitch
DCGS Online Store

ShiftysClub on Twitch

About Records Sub Goals Sub Drawing


Sub Drawing

All subscriber drawings will take place on Shifty's Club on YouTube, and all gift cards will be digital and sent via Discord chat. The number of gift cards drawn for and amounts they'll be worth are listed below based on the number of subscribers at the end-of-month.

Note: these can be subject to change with a month's notice

10 Subs One $10 gift card
25 Subs One $10 gift card // Three $5 gift cards
50 Subs One $25 gift card // One $10 gift card // Three $5 gift cards
75 Subs One $25 gift card // One $20 gift card // Two $10 gift cards // Two $5 gift cards
100 Subs One $50 gift card // One $20 gift card // Two $10 gift cards // Two $5 gift cards
200 Subs One $50 gift card // Two $25 gift cards // Three $20 gift cards // Four $10 gift cards
500 Subs One $100 gift card // Four $50 gift cards // Ten $20 gift cards
1000 Subs Two $100 gift cards // Eight $50 gift cards // Twenty $20 gift cards
2000 Subs Ten $100 gift cards // Ten $50 gift cards // Twenty-Five $20 gift cards
5000 Subs Twenty-Five $100 gift cards // Twenty-Five $50 gift cards // Fifty $25 gift cards
10000 Subs Fifty $100 gift cards // Fifty $50 gift cards // One-Hundred $25 gift cards
20000 Subs One-Hundred $100 gift cards // Two-Hundred $50 gift cards

© 2023 Shifty's Club LLC. All rights reserved.